Nepal Berita

Lacking protections, seasonal migrant labourers risk a 'cycle of exploitation' in the West, warns UN's special rapporteur on modern slavery.
Under pressure from worried farmers, government officials are contemplating a cull.
Three controversial development projects face fierce resistance from Indigenous groups determined to defend their sacred sites and culture.
South Korea needs workers, Filipinos need jobs – but a Context probe shows their migrant labour scheme is rife with abuse.
Semua Nepal Berita →

Nepal Opini

Eco-Business Changing Course exhibition
Eco-Business has launched new subscription plans for our community. We invite you to support our independent journalism and thought leadership initiatives to forge a sustainable Asia and beyond.
Governments in the region must fix their opaque regulatory frameworks and make use of innovative financing models, says analyst Shantanu Srivastava.
Peace with Nature Singapore
Founder and managing director Jessica Cheam investigates the relationship between business and our natural world, and shares about the genesis of Eco-Business in this book chapter contribution to 'Peace and Nature', a book compilation of 50 essays and edited by Professor Tommy Koh, Lye Lin Heng and Shawn Lum launched in Singapore recently.
As countries prepare to meet this month to work on the first global agreement to end plastic pollution, the perspectives of South Asia must be heard loud and clear.
Seluruh Nepal Opini →

Nepal Video

nepal wetlands
Undervalued and ignored, wetlands are disappearing and drying up in Nepal—leaving the communities and wildlife that depend on them exposed in a changing climate.
cultivation in Kathmandu Valley
An innovative cargo bicycle designed for farmers and villagers may help boost incomes in isolated farming communities in Nepal.
Lake Phewa
Working on the lake gives women independence in a country where women are often destined to a life of servitude and denied the access to education, health and jobs.
tibetan monk
Demand for Tibetan prayer beads from China have brought Nepal’s Timal village into the limelight, but the sustainability of this opaque market is leading to concerns.
Seluruh Nepal Video →

Nepal Podcasts

Semua Nepal Podcast →
leaf background pattern

Transformasi Inovasi untuk Keberlanjutan Gabung dengan Ekosistem →