Sarawak Energy to finish six more projects by 2020

Sarawak Energy Bhd (SEB) is focused on delivering six other hydro electricity dam projects besides the RM7.4bil Bakun and the RM3bil Murum dams before 2020.

Chief executive officer Torstein Dale Sjotveit said these additions would represent 6,000- to 7,000-megawatt new capacity, which in turn would produce around 35,000 to 40,000 gigawatt hours of energy units.

This is eight to nine times what we produce today, he said, adding that by 2020, SEB would be the leading producer of renewable energy in Southeast Asia.

He said this during Sarawak Electricity Supply Corp (Sesco) Sibu annual dinner on Thursday.

SESCO is a subsidiary of SEB.

Sjotveit said this clean renewable energy will power the development of the growing local markets, the establishment of new major industries and export to neighbouring countries like Brunei and Indonesia.

On the Bakun dam, he said SEB was committed to ensuring that energy from the dam, which is to be operational by next year, would be used to drive the state’s economic growth.

He also said SEB, on behalf of the state government, was now in the midst of a challenging negotiation with the federal government for Bakun’s successful takeover.

On the Murum dam, he said its diversion tunnel was completed while the construction of the main dam was underway.

On other projects, he said SEB had progressed negotiations with around 20 potential energy customers in Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy.

We are achieving price offering from them at 25% to 40% above what they offered last year.

By this month too, we will be able to firm up agreements with at least four new customers in addition to the MEMC branch in Kuching and the Mukah Press Metal (second phase), he said.

Sjotveit is confident of a very strong financial performance for SEB this year.

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