#hydropower Berita

Five hydropower dams are currently being built in the Cardamom Mountains with reservoirs set to collectively span more than 15,000 hectares (37,065 acres) across protected forests.
Mountain top wind turbines on China's Jintang Island in Zhejiang Province
An analysis incorporating new utilisation data released last week implies that China's emissions may have peaked in 2023 and debunks recent speculations that Beijing's record solar and wind installations have led to grid congestion.
Ethnic conflict, mismanaged development projects and climate change are pushing a major Indian lake to the brink.
Plane and fuel truck
Hydrogen fuel generated from solar struggles to stay below emissions thresholds set for clean hydrogen, though this mode of production is set to dominate. By comparison, hydrogen produced from wind, hydropower and nuclear energy is meeting clean hydrogen standards.
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#hydropower Opini

Governments in the region must fix their opaque regulatory frameworks and make use of innovative financing models, says analyst Shantanu Srivastava.
Long a source of tension with its neighbours, China’s transboundary rivers are opening opportunities for regional cooperation.
Despite Thailand’s energy surplus, the country continues to support environmentally damaging hydropower in Laos, revealing just how removed financers are from the impacts of their investments.
China’s active involvement in climate diplomacy can increase overseas understanding of its climate policies and bring impetus to global climate governance.
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#hydropower Video

cragside england hydro
A British conservation charity has turned to technology thousands of years old – the Archimedes screw − to provide electricity for lighting one of the historic mansion houses it looks after.
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#hydropower Podcasts

EB podcast gender energy
In a region where large hydro projects and expanding biofuel plantations coincide with an upcoming coal phaseout, a laissez-faire approach could worsen existing inequalities and mar the success of a clean energy buildout.
Energy imports EB Podcast
Ambitious plans to transmit clean energy from India, China and Australia into Southeast Asia have been proposed in recent years. Eco-Business speaks with two energy experts on the prospects, challenges and ingredients for success.
Coal power plant Laos 2021
Laos has announced the construction of two new coal plants for this year, despite growing evidence that coal power comes with significant financial risk. What is holding back the country from tapping its rich clean energy resources instead?
Indigenous community, Amazon
The clean energy sector’s poor human rights performance places its legitimacy at risk. Jessie Cato of the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre sheds light on how the industry can avoid labour abuse, land grabs and other violations.
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leaf background pattern

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