Meet our next generation recyclers

Recycling is key to tackling Singapore’s waste problem, and everybody — including kids— can do their part for a better future.

We all know the 3 R’s: Reduce, reuse, and recycle. But to what extent do Singaporeans really practise that last “R”— recycling—and do it the right way?

Recycling transforms old, used materials into new items, and is crucial for resource conservation.

In Singapore, a country where land is scarce and landfill capacity, even scarcer, recycling is a key solution to the waste problem. Its only landfill will run out of space by 2035 if waste generation continues at current rates.

Last year, Singapore generated over 7 million tonnes of solid waste, the majority of which came from industry. However, the difference between non-domestic and domestic recycling rates was stark: 73 per cent for the non-domestic sector, compared to a mere 17 per cent for households.

Individuals can do a lot more to recycle properly.

Contamination of items thrown into blue recycling bins stationed around housing estates in Singapore is high, and misconceptions about recycling are rife—for instance, that paper packaging contaminated by food can be recycled (it cannot).

In this video produced by Eco-Business in partnership with Sembcorp, children show that recycling is easy. Watch and pick up a few tips on which items and materials can and cannot be recycled.

The video supports the launch of this year’s Clean & Green Singapore Virtual Carnival.

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