#wind Berita

constant energy vietnam
Vietnam’s recent opening up of its green power market won industry plaudits, but such reforms have been slow to materialise in the region. Eco-Business examines where firms may find procuring renewables easy, tricky, or nigh on impossible.
Mountain top wind turbines on China's Jintang Island in Zhejiang Province
An analysis incorporating new utilisation data released last week implies that China's emissions may have peaked in 2023 and debunks recent speculations that Beijing's record solar and wind installations have led to grid congestion.
Nami rooftop project
The new decree is seen as the latter of two policy moves needed to jumpstart the country’s clean energy market. New funding is already flowing, but concerns remain as to whether Vietnam’s power grid can handle more renewables.
Chinese factory workers manufacture solar panels
Countries should invest in localising major portions of their supply chains, and source affordable solar modules and turbines from China, according to the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis.
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#wind Opini

Funders put billions into the ‘blue economy’ but are ignoring its core principles of equity and sustainability, says Essam Yassin Mohammed.
Burgos solar and wind farm
House Bill 7705, the low carbon economy bill, could help the climate-vulnerable nation seize the economic opportunities that come with decarbonisation.
Chinese policymakers face difficult choices in setting climate goals. Some appear technical but have significant implications for environmental outcomes.
Governments in the region must fix their opaque regulatory frameworks and make use of innovative financing models, says analyst Shantanu Srivastava.
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#wind Video

Vietnam, wind power story
Vietnam's wind market is thriving, but more work lies ahead if the country wants to power its booming economy without imperilling its people and the planet.
screen capture our home DONG energy
DONG Energy’s shift to 100 per cent renewable energy marks another important step in the global transition away from fossil fuels.
This new energy source could meet demand both day and night, solving the intermittency problems posed by solar and wind.
vtt energy harvesting tree
Finnish research firm VTT reveals one of its latest inventions - an energy-harvesting tree with leaves made of organic solar panels which can be "infinitely replicated" to become a forest of electricity source. Watch the video here.
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#wind Podcasts

Energy imports EB Podcast
Ambitious plans to transmit clean energy from India, China and Australia into Southeast Asia have been proposed in recent years. Eco-Business speaks with two energy experts on the prospects, challenges and ingredients for success.
Indigenous community, Amazon
The clean energy sector’s poor human rights performance places its legitimacy at risk. Jessie Cato of the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre sheds light on how the industry can avoid labour abuse, land grabs and other violations.
Drone flying over ocean
Studio EB [The EB Podcast] In this concluding episode of the Let’s Write the Future series, we explore how the rise of renewable energy, the electrification of transport and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are changing our lives, cities, and the world.
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leaf background pattern

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