#UNEP Berita

INC Chair Luis Vayas Valdivieso, Ecuador
A final text must materialise this year, but officials are still wrangling over the wording for a treaty on ending plastic pollution. The head of the negotiations urges dialogue and compromise among stakeholders with competing interests.
Aral sea desiccation
The next 10 years have been designated the decade to combat sand and dust storms, which are becoming more frequent due to climate change. Storms kill people prematurely and reduce the efficiency of solar panels, slowing the energy transition.
A small community of Palestinian and Filipino-Palestinian refugees in Quezon City known as 'Little Gaza' highlights the severe costs of the ongoing Gaza conflict, both humanitarian and environmental.
Critics say finance to help developing countries adapt to climate change is being miscounted, with more rigorous accounting needed.
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#UNEP Opini

Such technologies appeal to those who repudiate the need for transformative societal change to limit global warming and could become a dangerous distraction, especially as it gains traction as a delay tactic for the fossil fuel industry.
COP28 will take stock of the step change in ambition needed, but the gulf in climate finance promises and realities presents an obstacle to a stronger action.
Both countries must address a lack of awareness among farmers, limited access to machinery and sticking to traditional practices. International funding can better equip these efforts.
As countries prepare to meet this month to work on the first global agreement to end plastic pollution, the perspectives of South Asia must be heard loud and clear.
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#UNEP Video

eco action day
At this year's Eco Action Day Industry Roundtable 2018, participants discussed how to build more creative and resourceful industries and infrastructure for a more sustainable Singapore.
A child in Leyte Philippines, aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan

Kebijakan & Keuangan

Loss and damage, here and now

Despite strenuous efforts by many rich governments, loss and damage due to climate change is evident everywhere; UN environment and climate bodies suggest some ways to deal with it.
Let Elephants Be Elephants campaign
A new National Geographic documentary highlights how Asia is financing the killings of elephants in Africa with the region's increasing demand for ivory.
Solar conduction dryer
Three Indian students have devised a simple yet innovative technology that uses solar energy to dry food, reducing spoilage and alleviating rural poverty
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#UNEP Podcasts

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leaf background pattern

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