#solar Berita

A look at Southeast Asia's evolving landscape of solar energy adoption, from achievements to hurdles and future aspirations.
constant energy vietnam
Vietnam’s recent opening up of its green power market won industry plaudits, but such reforms have been slow to materialise in the region. Eco-Business examines where firms may find procuring renewables easy, tricky, or nigh on impossible.
Mountain top wind turbines on China's Jintang Island in Zhejiang Province
An analysis incorporating new utilisation data released last week implies that China's emissions may have peaked in 2023 and debunks recent speculations that Beijing's record solar and wind installations have led to grid congestion.
Aral sea desiccation
The next 10 years have been designated the decade to combat sand and dust storms, which are becoming more frequent due to climate change. Storms kill people prematurely and reduce the efficiency of solar panels, slowing the energy transition.
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#solar Opini

Coal power plants
As the Asian Development Bank holds its premiere clean energy event this week, human rights activist Lidy Nacpil argues it is not acceptable merely to accelerate the transition.
Burgos solar and wind farm
House Bill 7705, the low carbon economy bill, could help the climate-vulnerable nation seize the economic opportunities that come with decarbonisation.
Chinese policymakers face difficult choices in setting climate goals. Some appear technical but have significant implications for environmental outcomes.
Such technologies appeal to those who repudiate the need for transformative societal change to limit global warming and could become a dangerous distraction, especially as it gains traction as a delay tactic for the fossil fuel industry.
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#solar Video

Jovie Montajes, founder of Light of Hope PH
After 20 years without electricity, more than 50 households in Cebu's poorest district have been provided with solar energy, financed by carbon offsets.
solar gili air id
Southeast Asia's largest energy consumer has been slow to transition to renewables, but recent policies point to greater expansion of the country's solar, tidal and geothermal energy production.
SNAP-Magat Power floating solar
A country that is hit by 20 typhoons a year is looking to its lakes, reservoirs and dams to trial the latest solar technology.
fossil fuel warning on greenwash ads
In the video, environmental law group ClientEarth compares the oil and gas giant's advertisements on its low-carbon investments to a burger chain claiming that they’re vegan because they’ve got salad on the menu.
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#solar Podcasts

EB podcast gender energy
In a region where large hydro projects and expanding biofuel plantations coincide with an upcoming coal phaseout, a laissez-faire approach could worsen existing inequalities and mar the success of a clean energy buildout.
Energy imports EB Podcast
Ambitious plans to transmit clean energy from India, China and Australia into Southeast Asia have been proposed in recent years. Eco-Business speaks with two energy experts on the prospects, challenges and ingredients for success.
A solar farm in Australia
A US$22 billion project involving 12,000 hectares of solar panels and 3,800km of cabling running from Darwin to Singapore might be the most ambitious renewable energy project ever. How will it work? Eco-Business talked to Fraser Thompson of project developer Sun Cable.
Indigenous community, Amazon
The clean energy sector’s poor human rights performance places its legitimacy at risk. Jessie Cato of the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre sheds light on how the industry can avoid labour abuse, land grabs and other violations.
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leaf background pattern

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