#nature-based solutions Berita

On International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, Eco-Business looks at the unexpected rapid growth of a thriving mangrove forest in Iloilo City, Philippines, following the completion of a man-made floodway.
Evicted local people say marine protected area around Indian Ocean archipelago is a colonial imposition.
So-called 'debt-for-nature swaps' have regained prominence in recent years as part of efforts to raise finance for conservation efforts across biodiverse developing countries.
Initiative aims to cut emissions and fund rainforest preservation, though political disputes and sector exemptions pose significant challenges.
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#nature-based solutions Opini

Wealthy nations’ overconsumption is destroying nature, but is often not accounted for by ‘loss and damage’.
mangrove forest_indonesia

Kebijakan & Keuangan

Nature as infrastructure

Viewing nature as infrastructure is transformative, because it forces us to think in a more systemic way. As we pursue growth and development, we must not only avoid damaging nature; we must also strengthen and enrich it through “nature-positive” investments – all while tapping its vast potential to deliver essential services.
Peru rainforest
As businesses come under pressure to meet net-zero targets, they are increasingly investing in forest-protection projects to cancel out their carbon emissions. But what could have been a viable climate-mitigation option has become little more than a licence to pollute, to the detriment of indigenous communities and the planet.
From natural seawalls to mangroves, countries are starting to combat climate change with nature-based solutions. COP28 might drive more of these efforts.
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#nature-based solutions Video

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#nature-based solutions Podcasts

Climate tech podcast with Steve Melhuish
Entrepreneur Steve Melhuish tells the EB Podcast where the biggest opportunities to reduce emissions and make money are in Southeast Asia, and why finding the right economic incentives is critical for climate tech startups.
Ice caps and a warming planet
"We have a choice about the speed of sea-level rise." The Eco-Business Podcast talks to climate scientist Professor Ben Horton about how close the world is to reaching crucial climate tipping points, and what can be done to stop runaway climate change.
Eco-Business Podcast with Assaad Razzouk
Eco-Business talks to 'angry clean energy guy' Assaad Razzouk about the flaws in much-hyped climate change solutions, and how to fix them.
Coal-fired power planet
China, Japan and Korea have just announced exciting decarbonisation targets. On the Eco-Business podcast, Dr Frank Rijsberman, director general of the Global Green Growth Institute, talks about what these targets mean for the region's development and our climate.
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leaf background pattern

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