#mangroves Berita

The country aims to bring thousands of hectares of mature mangroves into its new carbon market, but local communities are concerned about the consequences.
Tun Mustapha Marine Park
Drilling for oil and gas in the Tun Mustapha Marine Park in Borneo would risk 45,000 hectares of reefs and the livelihoods of 85,000 people, Rimbawatch warns. An impact assessment is not available. Petronas, part of a group of firms involved in the venture, declined to comment.
Ravi Menon at Unlocking capital for sustainability 2024
Citing estimates, former central banker Ravi Menon says a carbon price of just US$20 per tonne could halve Southeast Asia's deforestation rate. At the Unlocking capital for sustainability 2024 summit, he cautioned that Asia cannot compromise on emissions cuts even as it pursues growth. The loss of carbon sinks has "serious implications".
Fishers affected by massive oil spill in Manila Bay say help too little, too slow.
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#mangroves Opini

mangrove forest_indonesia

Kebijakan & Keuangan

Nature as infrastructure

Viewing nature as infrastructure is transformative, because it forces us to think in a more systemic way. As we pursue growth and development, we must not only avoid damaging nature; we must also strengthen and enrich it through “nature-positive” investments – all while tapping its vast potential to deliver essential services.
From natural seawalls to mangroves, countries are starting to combat climate change with nature-based solutions. COP28 might drive more of these efforts.
The World Bank Group is working across many fronts to help countries recognise both the value of nature and the risks that would follow from losing it.
Stag beetle_insects_endangered
Concrete plans and financing will be needed. The COP27 and COP15 summits can also be combined, writes former Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos. Climate change and biodiversity loss must be addressed in tandem.

Kebijakan & Keuangan

No net zero without nature

Pangan & Agrikultur

Nature can't wait

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#mangroves Podcasts

Plastic bag in water
Studio EB Plastic waste is flooding the planet. Instead of waiting for regulation to drive change, give value to recyclables and mobilise the people, says Plastic Bank.
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leaf background pattern

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