#climate Berita

Mukhatar Babayev letter
United Nations climate summit president Mukhtar Babayev highlights the new climate finance target as top priority for the November talks. Will Azerbaijan be able to get the dealmakers, including China, to agree on a price to pay to help developing countries adapt to climate change?
On International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, Eco-Business looks at the unexpected rapid growth of a thriving mangrove forest in Iloilo City, Philippines, following the completion of a man-made floodway.
China’s Third Plenum, an important five-yearly meeting traditionally associated with major economic reforms, concluded on 18 July in Beijing.
Climate-induced disasters are forcing people to migrate out of mountainous areas, and in the process their languages and cultures are being profoundly affected.
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#climate Opini

Climate litigation is steadily growing in China, but a different approach from the Global North, involving the proactive role of state agencies, could be more effective in ensuring compliance with climate policies across local governments.
Google fourth data centre in Singapore
Since the release of ChatGPT, the world has seen a surge in investment and use of artificial intelligence. The social and economic impacts of this boom have provoked reactions, but the environmental costs have received far less attention.
Chevron's Gorgon CCS plant
Carbon capture and storage has been hailed as a potential way to reduce emissions, but it is more likely to increase them by boosting oil and gas extraction. The cheaper and more effective solution is to move to cleaner forms of energy.
Zero-emissions vehicles would need to hit 73 per cent of new light vehicle sales by 2030 to keep transport emissions aligned to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.
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#climate Video

EB KAS video
Studio EB Investors are starting to feel the effects of climate change in an unexpected place – their financial returns. There are now growing calls within the business community to improve the quality and coverage of climate risk disclosure.
Gaurav Sant
Gaurav Sant, founder of startup SeaChange, tells Eco-Business about a technology he hopes will give the world's oceans the capacity to absorb additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Dr Sylvia Earle
Eksklusif In this exclusive interview to mark Earth Day, Eco-Business speaks to Dr Sylvia Earle, oceanographer and founder of Mission Blue, who draws the link between our climate crisis and the health of our oceans.
Climate spirals
As planetary temperatures reach an all-time high, a climate scientist has designed a new way to show how global temperatures have changed every month since the start of the industrial revolution and 2021.
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#climate Podcasts

Climate tech podcast with Steve Melhuish
Entrepreneur Steve Melhuish tells the EB Podcast where the biggest opportunities to reduce emissions and make money are in Southeast Asia, and why finding the right economic incentives is critical for climate tech startups.
EB Podcast climate insurance
Asia lags the world in natural catastrophe protection. Part of the problem could be counting extreme weather losses only after they happen, industry insiders tell the Eco-Business podcast.
Manila, Philippines
Studio EB If a real estate development can reduce energy and water consumption – and emit fewer carbon emissions – it is built to last, Oliver Chan tells the Eco-Business podcast. The key, however, is to first educate future homeowners and businesses that going green does not mean breaking the bank.
IP Tebtebba
In celebration of Indigenous Peoples' month in the Philippines, the former United Nations special rapporteur tells the Eco-Business Podcast about her lifelong work to empower communities in Asia’s most dangerous country for environmental defenders.
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leaf background pattern

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