#CDM Berita

EDC binary geothermal power plant
The decision, made on the basis of additionality, affects nearly a third of all credits currently traded on the voluntary carbon market. Certifiers cautioned against a blanket methodology-level approach.
marine conservation sabah sipadan
Carbon Brief takes a look at the many and varied options of negative emissions technologies to limit global …
carbon emissions plants cdm
The Board that oversees the United Nation's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is looking for innovative ways to support …
wind island asia
In a bid to revive the flagging Clean Development Mechanism, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has …
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#CDM Opini

bonn meeting plenary
In the recently concluded preparatory meeting for the Paris climate talks, the task of agreeing on a text for a global climate deal remains daunting, but the economic and political shift in favor of climate action has never been more clear, says Kings' College London research fellow Stephen Minas.
Sanya in China hit by Haiyan
It's not more climate organisations we need. It's more effective ones
No to coal in China
The United States Energy Information Administration's International Energy Outlook 2013 makes grim reading: 56 per cent increase in …
aviation and shipping
The international aviation and shipping sectors are core to the world’s global trade, leisure and commerce sectors. Transportation …
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#CDM Video

climate neutral now
The UN has launched a portal that makes reducing one’s carbon footprint as easy as shopping online.
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leaf background pattern

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