#carbon trading Berita

Studio EB Carbon financing, be it through nature or technology-based solutions, will be key to near and long-term decarbonisation in Asia. With the region’s emissions trading systems seeing some progress, regulation is still crucial to momentum and expansion.
An aerial view of the Southern Cardamom REDD+ project in Cambodia, image by Gabrielle See
The Bursa Carbon Exchange, which holds its first auction for RECs today, should stop trading abuse-linked environmental credits and review its eligibility criteria, says non-profit RimbaWatch. Bursa Malaysia says credits traded on its platform meet global standards.
Kuamut waterfall
Observers believe the US$10 indicative price for the Kuamut Rainforest Conservation Project’s carbon credits is more than fair, given its highly rated co-benefits and low jurisdictional risk.
With its growth pattern and challenges shared by many other nations, China’s carbon-intensity approach is a viable blueprint, writes Chen Zhibin.
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#carbon trading Opini

yellow vests
If the EU is to achieve its 2030 and 2050 climate goals, it must act now to ensure that it can weather the inevitable political headwinds. A new green social contract and industrial policy can make all the difference.
Burgos solar and wind farm
House Bill 7705, the low carbon economy bill, could help the climate-vulnerable nation seize the economic opportunities that come with decarbonisation.
As the only multilateral institution charged with maintaining global financial and fiscal stability, the IMF’s role is critical for addressing climate change.
Peru rainforest
As businesses come under pressure to meet net-zero targets, they are increasingly investing in forest-protection projects to cancel out their carbon emissions. But what could have been a viable climate-mitigation option has become little more than a licence to pollute, to the detriment of indigenous communities and the planet.
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#carbon trading Video

Achim Steiner talking at the Responsible Business Forum in Singapore. Image UNDP Asia Pacific
The IPCC's climate warning is an opportunity for the business world to show leadership, said UNDP's Achim Steiner in the opening speech at the Responsible Business Forum in Singapore.
carbon emissions turn into stone
Breakthrough casts aside fear that carbon captured and stored underground can seep back into the air and explode.
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#carbon trading Podcasts

Carbon markets podcast 1
David Antonioli says current rules spur piecemeal offsetting instead of enabling faster growth of climate ventures. He expects pushback to his ideas in a market polarised over integrity issues, but wants players to think big-picture.
COP26 podcast
The climate talks in Glasgow could have a major trickle-down effect on Asia's business community. What should the region's businesses expect from COP26? The Eco-Business Podcast asked energy and sustainability expert Malavika Bambawale.
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leaf background pattern

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