#carbon neutral Berita

Studio EB Carbon financing, be it through nature or technology-based solutions, will be key to near and long-term decarbonisation in Asia. With the region’s emissions trading systems seeing some progress, regulation is still crucial to momentum and expansion.
Scope 3 chemicals companies
Studio EB The chemicals industry must rethink its supply chain to slash Scope 3 emissions, which are responsible for a third of all its emissions. Some mechanisms, however, may help chemical companies to better track and decarbonise their value chain emissions.
The country’s constitutional court is examining whether government inaction on climate change violates citizens’ rights. Could it set a precedent?
China can put the Paris Agreement on track when it releases its new and updated climate targets next year, writes Lauri Myllyvirta.
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#carbon neutral Opini

The 3.5 MW Suana solar farm in Nusa Penida, Bali.
Indonesia's 'island of the Gods' could serve as a living laboratory for a nation still in the early stages of renewable energy development.
Taylor Swift  top polluter
The pop superstar claims she can offset the immense carbon footprint of her private jet but the only way for the superrich to reduce their climate impact is to fly less and choose more sustainable forms of transport.
The most important issue for India is to grow sustainably while adhering to its international climate commitments and keeping its energy constraints in mind.
To achieve carbon neutrality, ASEAN+3 countries must overhaul their economic strategies, which will almost certainly mean a period of slower growth. By mobilising public and private climate finance, however, policymakers could mitigate the transition’s impact and create a greener and more resilient continent.

Kebijakan & Keuangan

Globalisation is greener

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#carbon neutral Podcasts

Manila, Philippines
Studio EB If a real estate development can reduce energy and water consumption – and emit fewer carbon emissions – it is built to last, Oliver Chan tells the Eco-Business podcast. The key, however, is to first educate future homeowners and businesses that going green does not mean breaking the bank.
A solar farm in Australia
A US$22 billion project involving 12,000 hectares of solar panels and 3,800km of cabling running from Darwin to Singapore might be the most ambitious renewable energy project ever. How will it work? Eco-Business talked to Fraser Thompson of project developer Sun Cable.
COP26 podcast
The climate talks in Glasgow could have a major trickle-down effect on Asia's business community. What should the region's businesses expect from COP26? The Eco-Business Podcast asked energy and sustainability expert Malavika Bambawale.
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#carbon neutral Rilis Pers

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