#carbon footprint Berita

On International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, Eco-Business looks at the unexpected rapid growth of a thriving mangrove forest in Iloilo City, Philippines, following the completion of a man-made floodway.
China’s Third Plenum, an important five-yearly meeting traditionally associated with major economic reforms, concluded on 18 July in Beijing.
Eco-Business Wasted KL 02
Building these facilities is now the government's strategy to waste disposal, though some have called the move misguided. Speakers at the Kuala Lumpur premiere of Eco-Business's film 'Wasted' called for the focus to be on education instead.
With more companies having to reveal their emissions and climate action plans, this transparency can spur China’s low-carbon transition.
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#carbon footprint Opini

Salad bowl
The global food system is responsible for about 30 per cent of annual greenhouse gas emissions.
The 3.5 MW Suana solar farm in Nusa Penida, Bali.
Indonesia's 'island of the Gods' could serve as a living laboratory for a nation still in the early stages of renewable energy development.
Burgos solar and wind farm
House Bill 7705, the low carbon economy bill, could help the climate-vulnerable nation seize the economic opportunities that come with decarbonisation.
Chinese policymakers face difficult choices in setting climate goals. Some appear technical but have significant implications for environmental outcomes.
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#carbon footprint Video

Jack Johnson and Jessica Cheam
Eksklusif Jack Johnson says yes, but it is a long road ahead. In this exclusive interview, we ask the American singer-songwriter and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador about his hopes for the state of the world and how music plays a role in providing a dose of optimism in dark times.
The Green Mortician is Singapore's first water cremation service
The Green Mortician is the city-state's first water cremation service, which has a small carbon footprint compared to traditional funeral options.
SP Group, My Carbon Footprint
Studio EB Thinking about your carbon footprint can be mind-boggling. Even if you wanted to do something about it, where do you start? With this mobile app, all the information you need is at your fingertips.
fairprice group food waste ss
Studio EB Singaporeans are well-known foodies, but around 800,000 tonnes of food is wasted every year. Why is so much food wasted, and what can consumers do about it?
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#carbon footprint Podcasts

Climate tech podcast with Steve Melhuish
Entrepreneur Steve Melhuish tells the EB Podcast where the biggest opportunities to reduce emissions and make money are in Southeast Asia, and why finding the right economic incentives is critical for climate tech startups.
Sea orchards developed on decommissioned oil platforms
Former petrochemicals industry executives Steve Willis and Genevieve Hilton have written a novel set 50 years into the future that has a happy ending. They tell the Eco-Business podcast that the book is a pitch to carbon-intensive industries to try workable climate solutions.
Manila, Philippines
Studio EB If a real estate development can reduce energy and water consumption – and emit fewer carbon emissions – it is built to last, Oliver Chan tells the Eco-Business podcast. The key, however, is to first educate future homeowners and businesses that going green does not mean breaking the bank.
EB Podcast: Climate Tech In Asia - Gogoro Founder Horace Luke
Eksklusif In this new podcast series 'Climate Tech in Asia', Eco-Business speaks to Gogoro chairman and CEO Horace Luke about the company's recent listing on the Nasdaq and its quest to electrify Asia's ubiquitous two-wheelers and make battery swapping mainstream.
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