#aid Berita

IFAD chief sounds alarm on global hunger saying millions could face food insecurity by 2030 without swift action.
As floods become more frequent, Bangladesh boosts warning systems and aid delivery but more needs to be done to mitigate risk.
Modi's government cancelled FCRA licences for thousands of charities, halting foreign funds; critics say move costs jobs, services.
Seven years after fleeing conflict in Myanmar, displaced Rohingya struggle with aid squeeze in world's biggest refugee camp.
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#aid Opini

New research by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) shows that disbursing International Development Association (IDA) funds to projects that positively affect people’s lives must overcome major barriers.
Climate change is not some distant menace; its effects are already being felt worldwide, especially in climate-vulnerable developing economies.
Rich countries must step up with more investment in climate action to achieve a safe and prosperous future for all.
Those suffering the worst from climate change need a say in how a new fund to help them is run – and direct access to its resources.
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