Taiwan Berita

Energy Taiwan 2024 press conference
But the island will have to keep both priorities and decarbonise its AI sector. At a press conference before its energy trade show now delayed by a typhoon, industry players touted battery storage as key to meeting Taiwan's renewables expansion needs.
Scope 3 chemicals companies
Studio EB The chemicals industry must rethink its supply chain to slash Scope 3 emissions, which are responsible for a third of all its emissions. Some mechanisms, however, may help chemical companies to better track and decarbonise their value chain emissions.
The country’s constitutional court is examining whether government inaction on climate change violates citizens’ rights. Could it set a precedent?
Hands together for teamwork
While gender was one of the first items addressed and remains a priority, experts say Asia has lingered on this issue for too long, neglecting other vital areas.
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Taiwan Opini

Eco-Business Changing Course exhibition
Eco-Business has launched new subscription plans for our community. We invite you to support our independent journalism and thought leadership initiatives to forge a sustainable Asia and beyond.
Peace with Nature Singapore
Founder and managing director Jessica Cheam investigates the relationship between business and our natural world, and shares about the genesis of Eco-Business in this book chapter contribution to 'Peace and Nature', a book compilation of 50 essays and edited by Professor Tommy Koh, Lye Lin Heng and Shawn Lum launched in Singapore recently.
fossil free future sg
In Asian universities, students often have little say about what happens on campus. As student divestment groups in the region gain momentum, it’s time for universities to listen to what their students have to say about issues that will affect their future.
Rooftop solar, Bhutan
Renewables could spur the post-pandemic recovery in Asia. But as this year’s climate change conference approaches, the region's energy planners have a lot of catching up to do.
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Taiwan Video

migrant fishermen fishing southeast asia
On International Human Rights Day, Greenpeace releases shocking testimonies from Southeast Asian migrants working on board foreign fishing vessels, plying the remote waters to meet Asia's surging demand for seafood.
coffee cradle to cradle
A Taiwanese beauty products maker has invented a hair care brand that comes from discarded ground coffee, adding to the list of benefits of recycling the waste of the world’s most favourite drink. Watch how this cradle to cradle concept works in this animated video.
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Taiwan Podcasts

EB Podcast: Climate Tech In Asia - Gogoro Founder Horace Luke
Eksklusif In this new podcast series 'Climate Tech in Asia', Eco-Business speaks to Gogoro chairman and CEO Horace Luke about the company's recent listing on the Nasdaq and its quest to electrify Asia's ubiquitous two-wheelers and make battery swapping mainstream.
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