#workplace wellbeing Berita

Business executives convene at the Green Zone at the COP28 climate talks in December.
Even as ESG moves up on corporates' priority lists, executives working in the region are focused on compensation when deciding if they will stay on in a company. But enhancing sustainability practices and policies can still improve staff retention, the survey finds.
Gold mining is high risk and low paid, especially for the women who make up a third of the underground workforce.
Indian regulatory codes are largely advisory when it comes to dealing with heat, ignoring humidity altogether, placing millions in danger during heatwaves and monsoons.
Lacking protections, seasonal migrant labourers risk a 'cycle of exploitation' in the West, warns UN's special rapporteur on modern slavery.
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#workplace wellbeing Opini

Amazon workers near Delhi were dripping with sweat. The heat in their warehouse was oppressive, causing exhaustion and dizziness.
Regular stakeholder consultation is needed to address climate change and lessen pollution-related health impacts.
Waste worker_Vietnam_Southeast Asia
New research into selected geographical regions across Vietnam, for example, finds that the majority of plastic waste is being recycled by informal workers in craft villages. These waste pickers need to be given a voice.
India_recycling_plastic bottles
Asia is well-positioned to play a leading role in advancing the global plastic treaty. Indonesia and India provide good examples of how proactive national action plans can help unlock finance and encourage innovation in the private sector.
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#workplace wellbeing Podcasts

Pretending to be an ESG guru while actually knowing little or nothing about environmental or social issues is known as competency greenwash
Former Monetary Authority of Singapore sustainability chief Darian McBain and recruiter Paddy Balfour tell the Eco-Business podcast why people are exaggerating their ESG expertise and why that's a problem in a key region for sustainable development.
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