#transport Berita

On June 15, the government of Pará state in Brazil gave the green light for the construction of the new Avenida Liberdade highway in the state capital, Belém, that will split up two conservation areas and run past a traditional Afro-Brazilian community.
In Jordan, severe water shortages have led to the rise of illegal water markets, where independent vendors supply water from private wells, highlighting the urgent need to balance household access and sustainable groundwater management.
Scope 3 chemicals companies
Studio EB The chemicals industry must rethink its supply chain to slash Scope 3 emissions, which are responsible for a third of all its emissions. Some mechanisms, however, may help chemical companies to better track and decarbonise their value chain emissions.
The travel habits of the super-rich are facing growing criticism, from Taylor Swift's Eras tour to Elon Musk's private jet fleet.
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#transport Opini

Road emissions are the leading contributor to transport emissions across the Indo-Pacific, surpassing those from shipping and aviation.
Zero-emissions vehicles would need to hit 73 per cent of new light vehicle sales by 2030 to keep transport emissions aligned to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.
Many cities in the Indo-Pacific have public transport stops close to at least half of their populations, but wider access remains a challenge.
By making walkability a central component of how we design our cities, we can create vibrant, inclusive and environmentally sustainable urban landscapes.
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#transport Video

Polestar video cover
Studio EB Polestar, a new entrant to Singapore’s electric car market, hopes to woo consumers by going the extra mile in sustainable design.
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#transport Podcasts

EB Podcast: Climate Tech In Asia - Gogoro Founder Horace Luke
Eksklusif In this new podcast series 'Climate Tech in Asia', Eco-Business speaks to Gogoro chairman and CEO Horace Luke about the company's recent listing on the Nasdaq and its quest to electrify Asia's ubiquitous two-wheelers and make battery swapping mainstream.
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