#science-based targets Berita

Singapore central business district on a stormy day
As the city-state's listed companies prepare to kick off mandatory climate reporting in 2025, nine in 10 local firms have yet to fully measure Scope 3 emissions, which make up the bulk of an entity's carbon footprint, finds a new study.
Dharsono Hartono, head, KADIN Net Zero Hub
Hartono, who runs the Indonesian chamber of commerce's decarbonisation unit and the world's largest carbon project, says achieving net zero without carbon credits in his country is like trying to fly to the moon in the 19th century.
China coal plants - Greenpeace
While Asia Pacific utilities have expanded their renewables capacity in the last decade, all except those in Australia grew their coal capacity over the same period, pointing to the need to step up early coal retirement, finds a new study.
A growing number of pressures is pushing CSOs to the limit as the sustainability function expands and evolves. Eco-Business investigates burnout among sustainability leaders and asks if there is a remedy.
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#science-based targets Opini

Antonio Guterres_Environment Day 2024
Limiting global warming is a matter of social justice, human rights and long-term development, and this imperative remains even if we cross the 1.5°C threshold. The 1.5°C target remains relevant.
Burgos solar and wind farm
House Bill 7705, the low carbon economy bill, could help the climate-vulnerable nation seize the economic opportunities that come with decarbonisation.
Indonesia Stock Exchange
Beyond investors, consumers should also be empowered to critically use sustainability reports to assess a company's sustainability credentials. Here are five steps they can take to start reading reports using GRI standards.
Humanity has exceeded the safe and just limits for vital Earth systems, from climate change to the biosphere and the use of fertilisers and freshwater, found new research from the Earth Commission. Urgent action is now needed.

Kebijakan & Keuangan

Show your stripes

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#science-based targets Podcasts

"We are already at 1.1°C of warming – a matter of life and death for the Global South", says Professor Winston Chow, the recently appointed co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's working group on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability.
The Singapore scientist, recently elected to the UN's top climate body, tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the precarious state of climate adaptation in developing Asia. The region is not well-prepared to manage the cascading risks of extreme climate events, he says.
Ice caps and a warming planet
"We have a choice about the speed of sea-level rise." The Eco-Business Podcast talks to climate scientist Professor Ben Horton about how close the world is to reaching crucial climate tipping points, and what can be done to stop runaway climate change.
Eco-Business Podcast with Assaad Razzouk
Eco-Business talks to 'angry clean energy guy' Assaad Razzouk about the flaws in much-hyped climate change solutions, and how to fix them.
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