#Paris Agreement Berita

Hundreds of scientists gathered in Oxford in June to discuss the many different ways of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the role it can play in tackling climate change.
Initiative aims to cut emissions and fund rainforest preservation, though political disputes and sector exemptions pose significant challenges.
Nitrogen fertilisers, manure and other agricultural sources drove almost three-quarters of human-caused nitrous oxide emissions in recent years.
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#Paris Agreement Opini

Road emissions are the leading contributor to transport emissions across the Indo-Pacific, surpassing those from shipping and aviation.
Zero-emissions vehicles would need to hit 73 per cent of new light vehicle sales by 2030 to keep transport emissions aligned to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.
Antonio Guterres_Environment Day 2024
Limiting global warming is a matter of social justice, human rights and long-term development, and this imperative remains even if we cross the 1.5°C threshold. The 1.5°C target remains relevant.
Coal power plants
As the Asian Development Bank holds its premiere clean energy event this week, human rights activist Lidy Nacpil argues it is not acceptable merely to accelerate the transition.
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#Paris Agreement Video

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#Paris Agreement Podcasts

Carbon markets podcast 1
David Antonioli says current rules spur piecemeal offsetting instead of enabling faster growth of climate ventures. He expects pushback to his ideas in a market polarised over integrity issues, but wants players to think big-picture.
"We are already at 1.1°C of warming – a matter of life and death for the Global South", says Professor Winston Chow, the recently appointed co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's working group on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability.
The Singapore scientist, recently elected to the UN's top climate body, tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the precarious state of climate adaptation in developing Asia. The region is not well-prepared to manage the cascading risks of extreme climate events, he says.
EB Podcast with Elena Philipova, director of sustainable finance, Refinitiv
It is no longer business as usual when it comes to how we tackle climate change and rising global temperatures. Eco-Business speaks to Elena Philipova of Refinitiv about how data can ensure countries and businesses are delivering on pledges to decarbonise.
The Eco-Business Podcast
Eco-Business talks to Peter Kiernan, lead energy analyst for the Economist Intelligence Unit, to unpack a new landmark report from the International Energy Agency, which proposes an immediate ban on fossil fuels extraction to curb global warming.
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