#gas Berita

Despite China’s renewables push, coal power is expanding to ensure reliable energy, operational flexibility and heat.
Mukhatar Babayev letter
United Nations climate summit president Mukhtar Babayev highlights the new climate finance target as top priority for the November talks. Will Azerbaijan be able to get the dealmakers, including China, to agree on a price to pay to help developing countries adapt to climate change?
Environmental issues are subordinate to the strategic imperative of countering US influence. That could ultimately weaken the relationship amid shake-ups in global trade.
Temasek green wall
Driven by Sembcorp's controversial divestment of its Indian coal plants last year, Singapore's state investor – which still has no fossil fuel exclusion policy in place – reported a 5 per cent drop in portfolio emissions from 2010 levels.
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#gas Opini

The idea that we can exceed global warming targets then fix the problem with technology is a dangerous myth, scientists warn.
Chevron's Gorgon CCS plant
Carbon capture and storage has been hailed as a potential way to reduce emissions, but it is more likely to increase them by boosting oil and gas extraction. The cheaper and more effective solution is to move to cleaner forms of energy.
Coal power plants
As the Asian Development Bank holds its premiere clean energy event this week, human rights activist Lidy Nacpil argues it is not acceptable merely to accelerate the transition.
COP28_in pictures 03
Keeping the planet within ‘safe’ warming limits will require dealing with other planetary boundaries being crossed.
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#gas Video

GP clocks Shell oil terminal
The action comes despite the oil giant suing the environmental group for US$2.1 million after demonstrators boarded the company’s vessel at the Atlantic Ocean in January.
fossil fuel warning on greenwash ads
In the video, environmental law group ClientEarth compares the oil and gas giant's advertisements on its low-carbon investments to a burger chain claiming that they’re vegan because they’ve got salad on the menu.
ford unveiling
Automakers are touting overseas investments in electric vehicles, even as they lobby for lower fuel standards in the United States.
screen capture our home DONG energy
DONG Energy’s shift to 100 per cent renewable energy marks another important step in the global transition away from fossil fuels.
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#gas Podcasts

The EB Podcast Petronas COP28
The oil and gas sector needs to cut operational emissions faster, Charlotte Wolff-Bye tells the Eco-Business podcast. But slashing fuel output won’t do for the Asian supplier, and it welcomes respectful debate at the climate summit.
The Eco-Business Podcast
Eco-Business talks to Peter Kiernan, lead energy analyst for the Economist Intelligence Unit, to unpack a new landmark report from the International Energy Agency, which proposes an immediate ban on fossil fuels extraction to curb global warming.
Malampaya natural gas2
The Philippines has ended new coal development as it pursues a low-carbon future. Don Paulino of non-profit Philippine Energy Independence Council and boss of Shell's exploration arm, argues why natural gas should remain in the energy mix.
Drone flying over ocean
Studio EB [The EB Podcast] In this concluding episode of the Let’s Write the Future series, we explore how the rise of renewable energy, the electrification of transport and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are changing our lives, cities, and the world.
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leaf background pattern

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