#crops Berita

IFAD chief sounds alarm on global hunger saying millions could face food insecurity by 2030 without swift action.
sona 2024
In his third state of the nation address, Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos, Jr urged lawmakers to enact an enabling law for the climate fund, but advocates lament lack of climate justice among his priorities.
Initiative aims to cut emissions and fund rainforest preservation, though political disputes and sector exemptions pose significant challenges.
Under pressure from worried farmers, government officials are contemplating a cull.
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#crops Opini

New domestic policies and consumer goods manufacturers and retailers are steering Chinese suppliers toward sustainable palm oil practices.
There is a case for relaxing Vietnam’s long-standing restrictions on the use of land meant for rice cultivation.
United Nations Under-Secretary-General and AI expert Tshilidzi Marwala writes for Context ahead of the Bonn AI and Climate Expert Meeting.
wheat field
Yields of the country’s second most important food staple have declined significantly in the past two years.
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#crops Video

Smallholder cooperatives are breaking new ground
Studio EB How are sustainable agricultural practices transforming smallholder livelihoods for the better?
The family is the most important thing to Dayak council chief Florianus Tihai
Studio EB The indigenous Dayak people of Kalimantan, Indonesia are working with an agribusiness giant to retain their time-honoured customs and practices while expanding the local economy.
pygmy elephants sabah
From conflict to co-existence: Earthworm Foundation has come up with a solution to managing human-elephant conflict in palm oil plantations in Sabah.
rewild our planet
Narrated by renowned environmentalist David Attenborough, Netflix's latest documentary series is a stunning insight into the world of animals and an urgent plea to protect their fast disappearing habitats.
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#crops Podcasts

A coffee bush in Sumatra. Image: Olam
Studio EB An alliance between an environmental group and an agribusiness company aims to reduce encroachment by smallholder coffee farmers in the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, one of Sumatra’s last stands of lowland forest.
oil palm plantation workers take a rest from work
Studio EB As global attention focuses on forests and the plight of orangutans, the untold part of the palm oil story is people. What is the industry doing to protect palm oil workers' rights and those of the people who defend their land as the industry expands?
refrigerated food bangkok market
Studio EB [The EB Podcast] In this first episode of the series Tomorrow's cities: Engineering the energy transition, we explore how cold chain can secure the future of food in the world's most populous continent.
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leaf background pattern

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