#concrete Berita

As extreme heat events become more frequent, Asian cities are under pressure to protect their most vulnerable citizens.
CSOs outlook 2024
Asia’s sustainability heads foresee some relief from reporting burdens this year, but articulating the financial value of social, biodiversity and climate-related impacts, engaging suppliers and staying ahead of regulations will keep them busy.
As illegal sand mines continue to harm river ecosystems and communities in India, a non-profit initiative launching this month empowers journalists, activists and concerned citizens with data.
Following the Sri Lanka Agriculture Ministry’s confirmation of a request from a Chinese company to import 100,000 toque macaques for their zoos, environmentalists have mounted protests over fears that monkeys may be used for medical experiments or as a food delicacy.
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#concrete Opini

As cities grow and heat up, it’s time to get rid of your air-conditioner and have more plants in your homes.
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