Riset / Energi

The Smart Villages Initiative: interim review of findings
The Smart Villages Initiative brings together key players—entrepreneurs, scientists and engineers, villagers, NGOs, financiers, civil society and development organisations, policymakers, and regulators—from the frontline of delivering off-grid energy for development …
From sustainale biomass to competitive bioenergy
The aim of this White Paper is to share some of Denmark's solutions and experiences in transforming sustainable biomass resources into competitive bioenergy solutions.
District Energy: Energy efficiency for urban areas
This white paper draws on competences built up through more than 100 years of experience with district energy in Denmark. It highlights some of the main learnings to consider when …
Green energy choices: The benefits, risks and trade-offs of low-carbon technologies for electricity
If it's green, it's mostly clean, according to a new, comprehensive review of renewable energy sources released today by the International Resource Panel, hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme …
The impact of electricity price increases on the mining sector in South Africa
The impact of electricity price increases on the competitiveness of selected mining sector and smelting value chains in South Africa project report investigates the relationship between South Africa's mining value …
Stranded Assets: Fossil fuels: Carbon Stores in Environment Agency Pension Fund
The EAPF commissioned Trucost to assess and analyse sixteen of their active and passive equity investment portfolios, with regard to their exposure to the embedded carbon emissions within fossil fuel …
Natural capital risk exposure of the financial sector in Brazil: Full report
Brazil's financial sector is dependent on natural capital to support economic growth and ensure future returns for investors. Nature's assets are abundant in Brazil, from its farmland, forests and energy …
Hot trends for energy management in 2015
This report explores the key energy management trends that will impact commercial, home, industrial and utility sectors in 2015 and beyond.
Bright ideas: Global trends in solar finance
Bright Ideas focuses on mega trends in solar finance which are reshaping the globalisation of this technology.
How to achieve 100 per cent renewable energy
These are the key findings of a case study analysis done by the Canadian renewable energy expert Toby Couture for the World Future Council. What was once seen as unachievable …
Gensol Knowledge Series: Solar district championships
If everything else like Project Cost and Financial Assumptions are kept equal, the expected generation from a site plays a very important role in bidding. With the bidding shortly due …
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