Timur Tengah Berita

Business executives convene at the Green Zone at the COP28 climate talks in December.
Even as ESG moves up on corporates' priority lists, executives working in the region are focused on compensation when deciding if they will stay on in a company. But enhancing sustainability practices and policies can still improve staff retention, the survey finds.
Mid-way through a bumper election year, there are few gains for women in power.
As soaring temperatures make life in Gaza more unbearable, aid agencies are having to factor climate change into their relief plans.
Delegates at the 61st meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Sofia, Bulgaria have failed to agree on a timeline for the upcoming seventh assessment report.
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Timur Tengah Opini

CP28 World leaders
The Global South faces urgent societal and environmental challenges. Strategically positioned and with its extensive links, the Middle East can play a pivotal role in promoting sustainable development throughout the Global South.
COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber and ministers
COP28 in Dubai ended with the landmark UAE consensus, an unprecedented agreement to transition from all fossil fuels. The signals for action are clear, but what steps should Middle Eastern businesses take?
Hajj pilgrims
The 2024 Hajj pilgrimage has been overshadowed by disaster and tragedy, with the death of at least 900 pilgrims, mostly due to heat exhaustion and related complications.
Salad bowl
The global food system is responsible for about 30 per cent of annual greenhouse gas emissions.
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Timur Tengah Video

father shows light to son
Diamonds aren't just for engagement rings and cutting tools—they can bring light to dark places.
sahara forest project
There Will Be Water documents an engineer's efforts to use seawater and sunlight to grow crops in deserts. The story of cool innovations and hard struggles against systemic barriers is inspiring viewing for all sustainability advocates.
neeti kailas
Studio EB [Sponsored Video] The Rolex Awards for Enterprise honours five young achievers for their remarkable innovation in medical science, environmental conservation and geological exploration.
mall of the world waterfalls
The emirate says the world's largest mall will be built as a smart city following environmentally-friendly guidelines, but experts and observers voice concerns on the ambitious nature of the project.
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Timur Tengah Podcasts

EB podcast Goumbook 02
Goumbook launched a regional oceans network that brought discussions on the blue economy to the forefront at the last COP summit. Founder Tatiana Abella tells the Eco-Business Podcast why healthy oceans are important for the Middle East.
Abu Dhabi Exchange podcast pic
ADX's chief strategy and transformation officer Matthias Büchler tells the Eco-Business podcast why sustainability is a key growth strategy and how the COP summit shaped ESG reporting for listed companies on the exchange.
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leaf background pattern

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