#legislation 新闻

save rivers miri high court
National requirements for free, prior and informed consent, or FPIC, are expected to kick in by 2030, which could reshape how companies and state authorities secure consent for renewable energy projects. The government is also planning legislation to prevent strategic lawsuits against civil society.
From ID cards to healthcare, India's government proposes new measures for millions of gig workers, but critics say they are not enough.
Klima Action Protest 01
As Asean’s intergovernmental commission on human rights convenes this week, Malaysia as the association’s chair is aiming to finalise the region’s declaration on environmental rights this year.
Anti-corruption rally in KL - January 2025
This marks a shift from the steady progress made by the region's top listed firms in integrity disclosures since 2020, as focus turns from governance towards climate reporting. Thailand retains its lead, followed by Malaysia and Singapore.
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#legislation 观点

The US president’s second term is a pivotal moment for ESG, as his administration could reshape corporate responsibility globally.
It is imperative that adaptation measures are implemented now to safeguard against future extreme climate events.
Climate change is clearly affecting the Philippines. Whether it can transform a long-held national attribute into successful climate adaptation will determine what the future holds.
Cigarette butts litter
As lobbyists flood plastic treaty talks, negotiators must uphold the rule of law to prevent corporate capture, including existing guidelines to stop the tobacco industry — a major source of plastic waste — from influencing policies.
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#legislation 视频

solar gili air id
Southeast Asia's largest energy consumer has been slow to transition to renewables, but recent policies point to greater expansion of the country's solar, tidal and geothermal energy production.
fossil fuel warning on greenwash ads
In the video, environmental law group ClientEarth compares the oil and gas giant's advertisements on its low-carbon investments to a burger chain claiming that they’re vegan because they’ve got salad on the menu.
manila bay with boats
The Philippine government has begun the process of relocating more than 200,000 families living along waterways to restore Manila Bay, the main body of water in the capital.
yeo bee yin2
Nine months after she was appointed to lead Malaysia's environment ministry, Yeo Bee Yin spoke to Eco-Business about gender equality, plastic pollution and boosting the country's green industry.
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#legislation 播客

Pink Dot 16 Media Launch - Letters to PM
LGBTQ people have long had to chart their own paths in the face of discrimination on bread and butter issues, like housing and employment. Pink Dot campaigners tell the Eco-Business Podcast their hopes amid a political leadership refresh.
Pretending to be an ESG guru while actually knowing little or nothing about environmental or social issues is known as competency greenwash
Former Monetary Authority of Singapore sustainability chief Darian McBain and recruiter Paddy Balfour tell the Eco-Business podcast why people are exaggerating their ESG expertise and why that's a problem in a key region for sustainable development.
Blackrock podcast
独家 The world's largest asset manager says it has put sustainability at the core of its investment approach. Eco-Business speaks to Shinbo Won, BlackRock's investment stewardship director in Singapore about what this means for investors, and how companies are responding to increased ESG pressure.
Solar panels in the fields in India
EB工作室 [The EB Podcast] Clean energy is tipped as the solution to Asia's energy trilemma—the need to scale up energy access, but in an affordable and sustainable way. How can technology help the region realise the full potential of clean energy?
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leaf background pattern

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