#farming 新闻

Residential areas next to a major nickel processing site on Indonesia’s Halmahera Island recorded exponential increases in diagnoses of respiratory infections between 2020 and 2023.
Verification holds up carbon credit payments and 'greedy' middlemen take a big cut, leaving little left for farmers, experts say.
Biofuel production has become a popular alternative to fossil fuels, but has several climate impacts.
China's first RSPO-certified shipment of Identity Preserved sustainable palm oil
EB工作室 About one-fifth of global palm oil is certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, but growth has plateaued. Chief Joseph D’Cruz explains why 100 per cent certification is not the end goal and how it plans to engage China and India.
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#farming 观点

A handful of fashion brands – H&M, Ralph Lauren, Decathlon and Adidas – are working to stop using coal to power their factories in 2025, while others are prioritising decarbonisation at lower levels of ambition.
To ensure the food security of our region amidst climate change, there is no time like the present to determine how climate and digital technologies can work together to feed Asean.
Countries must address the cow in the room in the lead up to Brazil’s COP30.
It is imperative that adaptation measures are implemented now to safeguard against future extreme climate events.
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#farming 视频

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#farming 播客

Will Asia dine on plant-based eggs?
A Singapore-based firm has just hatched a new plant-based egg product. The company's founder, Vinita Choolani, tells the Eco-Business Podcast why plant-based eggs will soon be a popular addition to nasi lemak and fried noodles dishes all over the region.
Vegan food
Humanity and the planet are suffering from a serious case of food poisoning. Eco-Business spoke to Brent Loken, WWF's global lead food scientist, about how changes to our diet can help fix our broken food system, and restore our health and the planet's strained ecosystems.
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