#competition 新闻

WEF_Davos 2025_Ding Xuexiang_China
Delivering his address at the World Economic Forum, vice-premier Ding Xuexiang said China’s green pursuits are long-term and not “an act of expediency”. He is the first senior Chinese leader to address concerns over an imminent tariff war since US president Donald Trump kicked off his second term.
Japan and United States_Biden and Kishida
For the first time in an annual sentiment survey, more respondents from the region chose Japan to lead the world in achieving its Paris Agreement goals, instead of the EU or the US. There appears to be a leadership void, experts say.
Kishore Mahbubani at Unlocking capital for sustainability 2024
WAN-IFRA Awards 2024
The sustainability-focused publication came up tops among competitors in the small and medium media category for 'Best Newsletter' at the awards ceremony held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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#competition 观点

Eco chic vs copycats
Fast-fashion brands are copying designs of sustainable clothing labels but they have not managed to imitate the concept.
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#competition 视频

Smallholder cooperatives are breaking new ground
EB工作室 How are sustainable agricultural practices transforming smallholder livelihoods for the better?
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#competition 播客

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#competition 研究

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