#Paris Agreement 新闻

Working professional taking course remotely
EB工作室 Unless sustainability courses are made more accessible to busy working professionals, the talent shortage will increase, putting the planet’s climate and other sustainability goals further beyond reach, says Dr Theo Hacking at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership.
Ashok Swain of Uppsala University's Department of Peace and Conflict Research argues that climate issues are so important and urgent that they must be treated as national security issues.
India Narendra Modi and China Xi Jinping
Thirteen countries submitted their Nationally Determined Contributions to the UN – including Singapore, the only Asian nation to do so – while the majority of Paris Agreement signatories missed a 10 February deadline. Countries could be holding back in light of uncertainties in a post-Trump world, say observers.
Extreme heat, storms and food insecurity fuel violence against women as climate change ramps up risk factors.
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#Paris Agreement 观点

The US president’s second term is a pivotal moment for ESG, as his administration could reshape corporate responsibility globally.
Public development banks must spearhead a systemic overhaul of global finance to ensure climate funding reaches the most vulnerable and accelerates the green transition.
Two experts call on companies to calculate and report Scope 3 emissions along their value chain as soon as possible.
Donald Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the World Health Organisation will serve to propel China.
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#Paris Agreement 视频

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#Paris Agreement 播客

Plastic bag in water
EB工作室 Plastic waste is flooding the planet. Instead of waiting for regulation to drive change, give value to recyclables and mobilise the people, says Plastic Bank.
EB工作室 With alternatives such as sustainable aviation fuel still too expensive and low in demand for the aviation industry to consider, carbon offsets could be a way to reduce emissions – if used right. EcoSecurities and the International Air Transport Association tell the Eco-Business podcast how airlines can ensure compliance when new regulations become mandatory
Carbon markets podcast 1
David Antonioli says current rules spur piecemeal offsetting instead of enabling faster growth of climate ventures. He expects pushback to his ideas in a market polarised over integrity issues, but wants players to think big-picture.
"We are already at 1.1°C of warming – a matter of life and death for the Global South", says Professor Winston Chow, the recently appointed co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's working group on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability.
The Singapore scientist, recently elected to the UN's top climate body, tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the precarious state of climate adaptation in developing Asia. The region is not well-prepared to manage the cascading risks of extreme climate events, he says.
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