#oceans 新闻

Overfishing and climate change have hit the world's fish stock, pushing Indonesian fishing communities into poverty.
“Natural” world heritage sites, such as the Galápagos Islands, Serengeti national park and Great Barrier Reef, could be exposed to multiple climate extremes by the end of the century, researchers warn.
Shadow Fleet Secrets: Often without knowing it, some crewing agencies are advertising jobs on ships that flout international laws.
Thousands of planned artificial reefs may not increase fish populations, and could exacerbate coastal erosion.
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#oceans 观点

Palau_marine sanctuary_fish
Countries which govern half the world's territorial oceans have yet to integrate ocean-focused solutions into their nationally determined contributions, or NDCs, due for an update by February 2025.
Bali has a unique opportunity to address plastic waste by integrating sustainable practices into the tourism experience.
Coastal resilience_Project Syndicate
Given their outsized economic role, strengthening the resilience of coastal communities is not just a regional or national priority but a global imperative.
Tropical cyclone Ilsa_Australia
The upcoming climate summit needs to address how storms are becoming more impactful closer to the coast. Preparing for such events is more cost-effective than dealing with the aftermath of inadequate preparation.
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#oceans 视频

The vessel will scour Southeast Asia’s marine environment to gather data and support local conservationists.
Jack Johnson and Jessica Cheam
独家 Jack Johnson says yes, but it is a long road ahead. In this exclusive interview, we ask the American singer-songwriter and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador about his hopes for the state of the world and how music plays a role in providing a dose of optimism in dark times.
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#oceans 播客

Plastic bag in water
EB工作室 Plastic waste is flooding the planet. Instead of waiting for regulation to drive change, give value to recyclables and mobilise the people, says Plastic Bank.
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#oceans 研究

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