#feed-in tariff 新闻

Jiangsu power plant
As the planet’s number one emitter, there are hopes that renewed policies and reporting guidelines will pave the way for China to peak carbon emissions by 2030. While 2025 signals greener progress ahead, experts say the need to balance energy security interests, however, may see fossil fuels firmly in the grid for longer.
The city's plans to halve emissions by 2035 and achieve net zero by 2050 may be ambitious. But NGOs tracking its policy direction over the years are not convinced and demand a more measurable roadmap with interim goals – not just long-term pledges.
Tracking 35 planetary vital signs – used to gauge Earth’s response to human activities – researchers found 25 are at record risk levels, including greenhouse gas concentrations, fossil fuel consumption, rising temperatures, forest loss, and biodiversity decline.
EDC binary geothermal power plant
EB工作室 The country’s latest green energy auction might have been hampered by issues with transmission lines, but experts say this should not stop businesses from expanding their renewables use. Battery storage could be a solution.
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#feed-in tariff 观点

Rooftop solar, Bhutan
Got solar? Now add batteries
Solar energy regulators are giving a clear signal to the market: the grid is not your battery, so please buy your own.
solar stupa
Glen Warwick navigates the economic and policy pitfalls in Asia's booming solar industry.
Solar panels in the Australian Outback
Almost five million Australians have benefited from policies that support solar energy. They responded in droves to incentives, …
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