#agriculture 新闻

Residential areas next to a major nickel processing site on Indonesia’s Halmahera Island recorded exponential increases in diagnoses of respiratory infections between 2020 and 2023.
Thailand mangroves
Despite their huge potential as blue carbon sinks, the majority are under threat from the cultivation of palm oil, rice and aquaculture at current carbon prices, on top of cyclones and sea-level rise over the next century, researchers warn.
Verification holds up carbon credit payments and 'greedy' middlemen take a big cut, leaving little left for farmers, experts say.
Biofuel production has become a popular alternative to fossil fuels, but has several climate impacts.
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#agriculture 观点

A handful of fashion brands – H&M, Ralph Lauren, Decathlon and Adidas – are working to stop using coal to power their factories in 2025, while others are prioritising decarbonisation at lower levels of ambition.
With floods, droughts and extreme weather threatening billions of people, investing in early warning systems must be a priority.
To ensure the food security of our region amidst climate change, there is no time like the present to determine how climate and digital technologies can work together to feed Asean.
Countries must address the cow in the room in the lead up to Brazil’s COP30.
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#agriculture 视频

good meat eat just chicken bites
Novel food firms are dreaming big about market expansion, but first they must overcome diners' doubts and a huge cost hurdle.
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#agriculture 播客

EB podcast Goumbook 02
Goumbook launched a regional oceans network that brought discussions on the blue economy to the forefront at the last COP summit. Founder Tatiana Abella tells the Eco-Business Podcast why healthy oceans are important for the Middle East.
Smoke from burning land in Indonesia
EB工作室 Transboundary haze pollution is back with a vengeance in Southeast Asia. The Eco-Business Podcast talks to RSPO CEO Joseph D'Cruz about what the palm oil sector can do to put out the peatland fires that have burned annually for four decades.
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leaf background pattern

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