研究 / #adaptation

Governing coastal resources: Implications for a sustainable blue economy
The International Resource Panel, hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme, recently launched its assessment report Governing Coastal Resources: Implications for a Sustainable Blue Economy, on Wednesday 23rd June 2021. …
Nature-based solutions in carbon offsetting
After a decade-long slumber, carbon offsetting is once again entering the mainstream. Driven by net-zero pledges from corporates, government commitments, and consumer demand, green projects that remove or avoid the …
Behaviour change—save nature please
Human behaviour - including how we interact with nature - is complex, influenced by many different social, economic and cultural factors unique to individuals, communities and nations. Now help is …
The business case for natural climate solutions: Insights and opportunities for Southeast Asia
Nature already mitigates a significant portion of man-made GHG emissions; approximately a quarter of these emissions are absorbed by trees, plants, and soil, while another quarter is absorbed into marine …
The business case for a UN treaty on plastic pollution
Plastic is a material with exceptional properties. Along with being versatile, inexpensive and durable, it brings significant benefits to society--from enabling the effective transport of goods to reducing food waste …
PACT Impact Report 2020
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Singapore released its PACT (Plastic Action) Impact Report, detailing the achievements of PACT. It showcases statistics and responses of PACT member companies, their …
Mitigating social impact in a low-carbon Singapore
The global fight against climate change is gradually gaining momentum, with countries like Canada, China, Germany, India, Japan, and the EU reaffirming commitment to the Paris Agreement, and more than …
SIWW 2018 Blue Paper: What will drive the next era of water management?
Countries will be confronted with an increasingly complex challenge over the next 15 years. Major risks such as poorly managed urbanisation, climate change, and unequal rather than inclusive growth in …
How Climate Resilient is your Company? Meeting a Rising Business Imperative
Companies have traditionally thought about climate change and environmental sustainability as reputational risks best managed through corporate social responsibility programs. In recent years, however, many companies have been caught unprepared …
Demonstration of the eco-town framework in San Vicente, Palawan, Philippines
The Philippines’' promising economic outlook is being threatened by the adverse impacts of climate change. Being one of the most susceptible countries to changes in climatic conditions and natural disasters …
Energy sector faces increasing pressures from climate change - new report
The energy sector is facing increasing pressures from climate change. All segments of the industry will be affected by the changing global climate and the policy responses to it.
Report warns of ways climate change threatens food security of urban poor
Increasing food production is the main policy prescription for addressing food security, but this neglects the crucial importance of access and affordability for low-income urban residents. This according to the …
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