#consumer products 新闻

Plastic is now ubiquitous in the Mekong, Asia’s Mother of Rivers, and experts and local people are struggling to contain the risks to human health, biodiversity and livelihoods.
Indigenous People’s Forum on Plastics
While some progress has been made, visible frustration was evident among member states negotiating the global plastics treaty as no text has yet been submitted for legal review. But the INC5 chair has responded that revised treaty text will be ready by Friday.
A beverage container return system in Singapore
The unveiling of the Sabic-owned petrochemicals facility is "completely misaligned" with what is needed in a strong plastics treaty – cuts on production – an advocacy group has said. The treaty negotiations begin in less than two weeks.
Artificial intelligence could help the fashion industry become greener, but unions worry workers will pay the price.
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#consumer products 观点

Plastic-contaminated soils affect food security, water quality and ecosystems, making soil health a critical global issue.
Starbucks reusable cups
Measuring environmental impact has historically been prohibitively expensive, but technology can change the equation. Blockchain advocate Sunny Lu argues that verified sustainability can help brands build trust with eco-conscious consumers.
Biopolymers that are cheaper to produce, heat-resistant, biocompatible and biodegradable are promising alternatives to plastics.
Choosing food that is both healthy and good for the planet can be confusing. Here are five myths to avoid to help you make better choices.
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#consumer products 视频

Plastic bag floats near bait ball. Image: WWF
A campaign by the WWF Singapore has revealed that the average person consumes approximately 5g of plastic every week. The NGO is calling on governments and businesses around the world to forge a global treaty to tackle plastic pollution.
A freezer running on electricity generated by an off-grid solar system
EB工作室 In line with the Sustainable Development Goals' aim to eradicate poverty, a Japanese multinational electronics firm is providing power supply stations, solar storage and products to countries with little or no access to electricity.
Solar Cow 2
Yolk Station, a South Korean solar energy company, has installed a renewable energy solution in a remote Kenyan town that can also tackle the problem of child labour.
Make some extra cash and reduce waste by putting your belongings to work. This online market place plugs Australians into the sharing economy.
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#consumer products 播客

Alternative proteins podcast 2
EB工作室 What are the latest trends in the alternative proteins industry today? The Eco-Business podcast discusses new hybrid products, more localised offerings and cheaper prices due to economies of scale.
women founders tech
What are the dangers of gender bias in technology design and what are the market opportunities for womentech—technologies that centre the needs of women?
Mondelez podcast
EB工作室 Recycling efforts in the Philippines are shrinking amid the pandemic, even as the plastic waste challenge mounts. Is the country on the verge of a more devastating plastic waste crisis?
peat swamp kampar gp
EB工作室 The once abundant peat forests of Indonesia's Kampar peninsula have been deforested to half its size over the last two decades. Is there hope in saving the country's largest remaining forest reserve? 
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leaf background pattern

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