Riset / Asia Pasifik

Asia Pacific's Sustainable Cold Chain Insights
As the world grapples with increasing food security amid rapid climate change, the cold chain industry is under immense pressure to strike a balance between sustainable growth and feeding the …
Green Development 2030

Karbon & Iklim

Green Development 2030

A combination of digitalization and decarbonization will drive a new era of green development. Together with its customers and partners, Huawei will continuously innovate, use green ICT to empower green …
Banking Asia’s future: how to align with national climate plans
Asia's governments have declared long-term net-zero targets and are introducing regulation to spur action in the short to medium term across the region's economies. Asia's banks have a choice. They …
Ocean of Solutions: Protecting biodiversity in the blue economy
Marine biodiversity is in a monumental crisis. Despite more attention to understand the impacts of anthropogenic-driven climate change on land and marine biodiversity in recent years, the effects of climate …
The value of biodiversity for Asia's megacities
Asia’s urban populations have grown significantly over the past three decades as people flock to cities, in search for jobs. A 2019 study by the Asia-Pacific Urban Forum found that most of the region’s population, over 2.3 billion people,...
2022 Asia Electric Report
In the midst of growing populations and electricity demand, the persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic, and much political, investor and customer pressure to decarbonize, Asia's electricity providers continue to grapple …
India's data centre boom: powering sustainable growth
India is one of the emerging markets for data centres in Asia Pacific and could soon be a strong competitor to more mature markets in the region, such as Singapore …
Energy storage systems in the APAC region
The Asia Pacific region is in the early stages of a transformational energy transition that requires progressive, widespread switching from fossil fuels to variable renewable energy sources such as wind …
The carbon reduction opportunity of moving to the cloud for APAC
A move to the cloud should be a part of any organization's sustainability strategy as a major source of energy use and carbon emissions for enterprises and public sector organizations …
Investing for the climate in Asia

Kebijakan & Keuangan

Investing for the climate in Asia

Are "green finance" and climate change gaining traction in the Asian financial sector? We reviewed the practices of 88 leading financial institutions across Asia-Pacific to find out. We discovered growing …
Seafood sourcing risks in Asia

Pangan & Agrikultur

Seafood sourcing risks in Asia

This briefing for investors and companies sets out the major categories of seafood sustainability risks. It presents the results of a disclosure review of the steps that leading retailers and …
Factory farming in Asia

Pangan & Agrikultur

Factory farming in Asia

Investors in Asia view animal protein consumption as an indicator of rising middle-class incomes across the region. Asian meat, egg, fish and dairy industries face a range of poorly managed …
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