WT Sustainability’s Sydney office achieves 6 Star NABERS

WT Sustainability’s Sydney office, at 181 Miller Street, has achieved a NABERS office tenancy rating of 6 Stars – before buying GreenPower.

NABERS tools were used during the design stage of the fitout to control and monitor sustainable design and construction targets, initially focussing on the large energy users within tenancies – supplementary air conditioning, lighting and office equipment.

The result has been delivered energy savings of up to 78 per cent on the average office tenancy.

Sustainability initiatives included the avoiding the use of a supplementary air conditioning system for the office’s meeting area by integrating the space into the open plan office. The base building air conditioning system was commissioned and balanced to suit the tenancy layout.

A high speed temperature tolerant communications system linked to an off-site data centre was adopted, to avoid the need for a dedicated server room saving both server power and the power associated with additional cooling.

Click here to read the full story.

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