US airlines embroil Obama in emissions battle

American-Airlines tangerinetravel_com
US airlines called the EU aviation emissions scheme a threat to national sovereignty that could spread to other sectors. Image:

Representatives of nineteen aviation industry groups called on President Obama to file an official protest with the UN to dispute the European Union’s inclusion of international airlines in their carbon emissions trading scheme. In a letter to Obama, the group said that the EU legislation requiring all airlines operating in Europe to pay for their carbon emissions from international flights was a threat to national sovereignty, and added that the industry should instead wait for a global agreement to limit aviation emissions.

The EU aviation emissions limits took effect at the start of this year despite objections and threats of retaliation from 26 countries, including the US, China, Russia and India. The EU Commission has said that it passed the legislation in the absence of substantial progress on an international emissions programme, and has urged industry groups to produce a global alternative to limiting airline emissions.

Meanwhile, the UN’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is working on three models for such a scheme, but has been experiencing delays. A proposal was meant to be completed by the end of 2012 for approval at next year’s assembly, but representatives say it will not be ready until March.

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