Green tech has ‘huge economic potential’

There is huge economic potential in green technology, especially in reducing the excessive use of electricity, Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui said.

“There is still ample space for green technology development in the country,” he told reporters yesterday after witnessing the signing ceremony between HDC Data Centre and i-City for the development of a green data centre block in i-City.

The data centre comprises four buildings with 200,000 sq ft of four-tier server space that provides 10 times the power of any commercial building but consumes only a fraction of energy.

“This is a very good concept and the government is very serious in ensuring new buildings adapt to these green features,” Chin said.

He added green building features were not only for new buildings as they could be adopted in existing buildings as well.

“From auditing several buildings, we have found that there is huge energy savings potential by doing a simple retrofitting exercise,” he said.

He also praised i-City’s LED lighting as another good example of green technology.

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