Policy & Finance News

Indoor kale
Five years ago, Singapore set out to triple its food production by 2030. Now, output remains low, while profitability seems like a pipe dream for many farmers. What went wrong, and how can we get the agri-tech drive back on track?
Fish farms off Lim Chu Kang
Local food production has stayed at under a third of where Singapore wants it to be. Support measures have returned mixed success, as Eco-Business finds out in a special report on local food production in the city-state.
Lim Chu Kang farm
Read our deep-dive into the country's farming infrastructure – and lack thereof – as part of our special report on local food production in the city-state.
A farmer scatters rice grains in Sta. Cruz, Laguna, Philippines
Members of a technical working group closely working on the legislation flags that the government currently lacks in capacity to monitor a cap and trade scheme under the proposed law. An unreliable system could lead to misreporting.
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Policy & Finance Opinion

The 3.5 MW Suana solar farm in Nusa Penida, Bali.
Indonesia's 'island of the Gods' could serve as a living laboratory for a nation still in the early stages of renewable energy development.
A row of newly-launched hydrogen buses queuing to serve Kuching commuters on January 21, 2020
Hydrogen has a role to play in a world trying to wean itself off fossil fuels, despite concerns over its green credentials
yellow vests
If the EU is to achieve its 2030 and 2050 climate goals, it must act now to ensure that it can weather the inevitable political headwinds. A new green social contract and industrial policy can make all the difference.
India is behind in handling intimate partner violence. Getting on top of the problem requires reform in law, health policy and changing attitudes.
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Policy & Finance Videos

GP clocks Shell oil terminal
The action comes despite the oil giant suing the environmental group for US$2.1 million after demonstrators boarded the company’s vessel at the Atlantic Ocean in January.
Tata Balladares
The veteran journalist talks to Eco-Business about how his Emmy-nominated documentary depicts the lives of environmental crusaders in Asia's deadliest country for guardians of the seas and forests.
BCG video Eco-Business
EB Studio Asia's green transition pathways need to be socially inclusive given huge differences in economic development across the region, says experts at the Boston Consulting Group. State-owned enterprises have an "outsized" role to play, they add.
Brookes Point human barricade
Video footage appears to show protestors, who were demonstrating against mining operations, being dragged away by police near Ipilan Nickel Mine in Brooke’s Point, Palawan. Mining insiders are calling for maximum tolerance in similar standoffs.
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Policy & Finance Podcasts

Sea orchards developed on decommissioned oil platforms
Former petrochemicals industry executives Steve Willis and Genevieve Hilton have written a novel set 50 years into the future that has a happy ending. They tell the Eco-Business podcast that the book is a pitch to carbon-intensive industries to try workable climate solutions.
EB Podcast climate insurance
Asia lags the world in natural catastrophe protection. Part of the problem could be counting extreme weather losses only after they happen, industry insiders tell the Eco-Business podcast.
The EB Podcast Petronas COP28
The oil and gas sector needs to cut operational emissions faster, Charlotte Wolff-Bye tells the Eco-Business podcast. But slashing fuel output won’t do for the Asian supplier, and it welcomes respectful debate at the climate summit.
IP Tebtebba
In celebration of Indigenous Peoples' month in the Philippines, the former United Nations special rapporteur tells the Eco-Business Podcast about her lifelong work to empower communities in Asia’s most dangerous country for environmental defenders.
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