#multilateral development bank Berita

Critics say finance to help developing countries adapt to climate change is being miscounted, with more rigorous accounting needed.
The UK government has reclassified nearly £500m of aid for war-torn and impoverished countries as “climate finance”, in a bid to meet its international commitments under the Paris Agreement.
The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) held their spring meetings last week in Washington DC – a key event in a critical year for international climate finance.
Cambodia’s reliance on microloans, long touted as a way to reduce poverty, belies concerns over debt-fuelled deforestation.
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#multilateral development bank Opini

Governments in the region must fix their opaque regulatory frameworks and make use of innovative financing models, says analyst Shantanu Srivastava.
coastal village in Madagascar
Given the escalating climate crisis, multilateral lenders must urgently adopt an approach to development aid that emphasises prevention. By incorporating structural vulnerabilities into their allocation formulas, the World Bank and others can strengthen poor countries' resilience and increase fairness, efficiency, and transparency.
Climate change is not some distant menace; its effects are already being felt worldwide, especially in climate-vulnerable developing economies.
mangrove forest_indonesia

Kebijakan & Keuangan

Nature as infrastructure

Viewing nature as infrastructure is transformative, because it forces us to think in a more systemic way. As we pursue growth and development, we must not only avoid damaging nature; we must also strengthen and enrich it through “nature-positive” investments – all while tapping its vast potential to deliver essential services.

Karbon & Iklim

How to salvage COP28

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#multilateral development bank Podcasts

Cantilan Bank aftermath of Rai_EB podcast logo
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas assistant governor tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the regulator’s maiden sustainability report that features an empirical study of climate impacts on banks as well as the nation’s first taxonomy.
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