#logging Berita

Concessions for monoculture plantations are the biggest threat to natural forests, according to new data presented in this year’s State of Malaysian Rainforests report by Rimbawatch.
Worsening droughts are depleting Amazon riverways, raising fears that road paving could fuel deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rainforest.
sarawak forest
Communication and baseline setting for local community impact has been a key challenge despite almost two years of engagements, said project developer SaraCarbon, whose carbon project is the state's first in line for Verra certification.
Studio EB Integrating nature and biodiversity into business practices is key to sustainable operations for Asean’s bioeconomy. However, the lack of pricing mechanisms and firmer regulations governing natural resources must see the region come together to address such challenges.
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#logging Opini

Human health relies on healthy ecosystems, but these are under threat. Securing the right to live in a healthy environment is crucial for all.
logging in borneo
A new study finds that illegal roads have enabled illicit logging, mining, poaching and land grabbing in some of the world's most biodiversity-rich ecosystems.
Kuamut forest reserve sabah
Malaysia is expected to launch its first local nature-based carbon credit but it faces a jurisdictional quagmire, wherein forest management is predominantly governed by state authorities.
Wealthy nations’ overconsumption is destroying nature, but is often not accounted for by ‘loss and damage’.
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#logging Video

Tata Balladares
The veteran journalist talks to Eco-Business about how his Emmy-nominated documentary depicts the lives of environmental crusaders in Asia's deadliest country for guardians of the seas and forests.
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#logging Podcasts

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leaf background pattern

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