#dams Berita

Wind and solar expansion in the archipelago could mean renewables targets are met, but it has also worried environmentalists. A proposed wind farm in the Masungi Georeserve in Rizal province could impact up to a thousand hectares of karst landscape.
Bangladesh and India need to talk about sharing water on two major rivers, the Teesta and Ganges. But experts on both sides say much depends on political consensus and the right atmosphere for negotiations.
The large fish of the Mekong, some of which are revered in local cultures, face dire consequences without urgent action.
We examine Southeast Asia’s largest free-flowing river, as it navigates competing interests between the countries it spans, and discuss Myanmar’s military junta’s role in shaping its future.
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#dams Opini

India has told Pakistan that it wants to modify the treaty that regulates use of the shared river – an escalation of a years-long dispute.
China is crafting “wonderful stories” about its upstream dams in the Mekong. But the overall thrust of the narrative glosses over the more controversial aspects of dam building.
Aftermath of Bangkok floods 2011
Rising sea levels will affect many Asian countries, particularly those in Southeast Asia. There needs to be fresh approaches and policies to manage what is termed a 'super wicked problem'.
flooding in the netherlands
If this year’s flooding and wildfires came as a surprise to inhabitants of rich countries, that is because the modern political compact was built on effective water management.
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#dams Video

SNAP-Magat Power floating solar
A country that is hit by 20 typhoons a year is looking to its lakes, reservoirs and dams to trial the latest solar technology.
ghana mining chinese
An influx of illegal Chinese miners, attracted by the abundance of gold, has ignited bloody conflicts with the …
women for results
A group of women worldwide are taking action to improve their lives by helping address climate change issues, such as the '1 Million Women' movement in Australia. Watch this video.
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leaf background pattern

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