#consumerism Berita

A charge on emissions for cargo vessels would become the first global carbon price, but disagreements on system design and starting prices remain.
An artist's impression of the Tuas Nexus integrated waste and water treatment facility, the first of its kind in the world.
The Tuas Nexus plant promises to cut the carbon footprint of waste and water treatment and boost recycling rates. The delay could affect plans to cut food waste and puts pressure on Singapore's ageing incinerators as domestic waste volumes continue to rise, industry watchers say.
water scarcity malaysia
Malaysia lost an estimated US$1.7 billion in wasted water between 2018 and 2022. The perceived low cost of water combined with climate pressures is fuelling water scarcity.
Global Plastics Treaty art installation
Filipinos want efforts to tackle ocean pollution to focus on plastic production cuts, a survey by Greenpeace found ahead of the penultimate meeting for the first ever pact on plastic trash. But environmentalists fret that negotiators are prioritising waste recovery instead.
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#consumerism Opini

Greenpeace and other environmental groups are demanding that governments ban single-use plastic sachets by 2030.
In Indonesia and in other Southeast Asian nations, multilayer sachets are at the core of the plastic crisis. If companies such as Unilever and Procter & Gambles are serious about being part of the solution to the plastics crisis that they has helped create, they must commit to banning sachets – a desired outcome of the The Global Plastics Treaty.
Tractor farmer protest_New Zealand
Last year’s farmer protests in New Zealand, for example, showed how abruptly climate policies can be disrupted when workers and communities feel left out. Policymakers and corporate leaders need to get in front of the issue now.
"Sustainability is in our DNA"
If sustainability really was at the heart of everything businesses did, the planet probably would not be 1.2°C warmer than it should be. It's time for corporates to stop using the same meaningless catchphrase – or risk alienating consumers
India_recycling_plastic bottles
Asia is well-positioned to play a leading role in advancing the global plastic treaty. Indonesia and India provide good examples of how proactive national action plans can help unlock finance and encourage innovation in the private sector.
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#consumerism Video

'Wasted' documentary
Launched as policymakers lock horns with petrochemicals lobbyists over a treaty to end plastic pollution, the documentary produced by Eco-Business asks why opportunities to solve humanity's waste crisis are being wasted. It will premiere in Singapore and screen on the sidelines of the upcoming COP28 climate summit.
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#consumerism Podcasts

IP Tebtebba
In celebration of Indigenous Peoples' month in the Philippines, the former United Nations special rapporteur tells the Eco-Business Podcast about her lifelong work to empower communities in Asia’s most dangerous country for environmental defenders.
Action against greenwashing in Asia
Japan-based academic Kim Schumacher, who coined the term "competence greenwashing", believes that the pursuit of societal harmony might be standing in the way of Asia calling out greenwashing. He tells the Eco-Business Podcast how exaggerated ESG claims are likely to be tackled in 2023 and beyond.
Greenwashing has become a growing problem
Greenwashing has become a big problem for consumers, investors and regulators as brands spend millions on marketing their sustainability credentials. Eco-Business asked expert communicators Janissa Ng and James Lorenz why greenwashing is so dangerous, and what can be done to stop spin in sustainability communications.
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leaf background pattern

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