#Human resources Berita

Malaysia people
Amid increasing stakeholder expectations for updated diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategies, a guide tailored to Malaysia's context has been launched to help corporate leaders deal with issues of fair treatment at the workplace.
Unemployment is voters' top election concern - especially among young Indians who are struggling to find skilled, permanent jobs.
In some villages, unaffordable tuition fees are driving secondary school students to leave in favour of the mines.
As climate change impacts hit farming, women driven into gruelling sugarcane work have the procedure to work harder, report says.
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#Human resources Opini

We need more women in senior roles in finance to build inclusive institutions and allocate capital more rationally and fairly.
The booming gig economy in Malaysia leaves workers vulnerable with no benefits and susceptible to exploitation.
Recovery is being led by high-income countries, with low-income countries lagging far behind, worsening the global employment divide.
The precarious nature of informal employment, together with often hazardous working conditions, leaves informal workers particularly vulnerable to health risks.
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