#farming Berita

A combination of government failures and an ever-more unpredictable climate has seen food prices surge while crop yields are affected.
SAFEF launch of new local produce
Businesses are testing out new models that can simplify the way people buy locally-grown food. But will prices be competitive enough, and is buying and eating local in the Singaporean cultural DNA?
Indoor kale
Five years ago, Singapore set out to triple its food production by 2030. Now, output remains low, while profitability seems like a pipe dream for many farmers. What went wrong, and how can we get the agri-tech drive back on track?
Lim Chu Kang farm
Read our deep-dive into the country's farming infrastructure – and lack thereof – as part of our special report on local food production in the city-state.
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#farming Opini

ukraine fertiliser
Promoting synthetic fertilisers to solve Africa's food security challenges fails to address the root causes of hunger and malnutrition. Policymakers and stakeholders should embrace a more transparent and evidence-based approach.
India is on its way to becoming the third-largest economy in the world, yet unemployment among young people with graduate degrees is at an all-time high.
Despite being on other sides of the planet, Jakarta and Iowa are staring down similar issues around water hygiene and supply.
Drones for monitoring rice crops
To leverage artificial intelligence to address Southeast Asia's growing threats to food security in light of climate change, the region needs to build capacity, improve financing access and alleviate risks for technology users.
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#farming Video

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#farming Podcasts

Will Asia dine on plant-based eggs?
A Singapore-based firm has just hatched a new plant-based egg product. The company's founder, Vinita Choolani, tells the Eco-Business Podcast why plant-based eggs will soon be a popular addition to nasi lemak and fried noodles dishes all over the region.
Vegan food
Humanity and the planet are suffering from a serious case of food poisoning. Eco-Business spoke to Brent Loken, WWF's global lead food scientist, about how changes to our diet can help fix our broken food system, and restore our health and the planet's strained ecosystems.
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leaf background pattern

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