Smart Water Roundtable 2016

Smart Water Roundtable 2016

Water is one of the key building blocks of life and access to clean, healthy sources of water is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as outlined by the United Nations. Yet, some 1.8 billion people in Asia currently have no access to clean water, with recent estimates predicting that up to 3.4 billion people could be living in water-stressed areas of Asia by 2050. 

Even in Singapore, with its progressive water management ecosystem, the current demand for 430 million gallons of water per day is expected to double to 800 million gallons by 2060.

Meanwhile the rapid development of new information and communications technologies (ICT) has enabled industries to automate processes and collect data like never before. Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities, cloud computing, and big data analytics are giving industries and business people the ability to make more efficient and effective decisions regarding how resources are managed based on science.

Against the backdrop of a shake-up in water supply and nascent technologies, how can governments and the water industry bridge this supply-demand gap and deploy systems to meet social needs in a sustainable way? Can a smarter water system change the way societies produce, consume and think about water?

With these questions in mind and with the objective of finding new grounds for collaboration and implementing solutions, Swiss technology giant ABB and Eco-Business organised the Smart Water Roundtable in September, gathering 19 participants from the Singapore government, utility board, water industry, academia, and sustainability sector to discuss the future of a Smart Water Grid in the city-state.

Download the Smart Water Roundtable Report 2016 to find out what was discussed and where future business opportunities lie.

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